Spiritual Gifts, Heartfelt Passion, Abilities, Personality, Experience

Welcome to our SHAPE Assessment

At SBPC we believe God has made you for a purpose! Finding and fulfilling your God-given purpose is one of the greatest discoveries you will make in life. This online SHAPE process is a tool to help you discern your unique SHAPE and empower you to connect in a meaningful place of service. The Bible tells us, "we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." Ephesians 2:10

What is SHAPE?

SHAPE stands for Spiritual Gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality, and Experience. Although there are many paths to discovering your best place of service, the online SHAPE assessment is one way to learn more about the role you can play in God’s grand story!

Privacy Statement and Sharing your Results

All SHAPE assessment information is confidential and access will be limited to SBPC leadership. For internal purposes, this website will be keeping statistical data. For your records, or to discuss a service opportunity with a ministry leader, save or print your results


What does SHAPE stand for?

Spiritual Gifts: God-empowered abilities for serving him.

Heart or Passion: what you love to do and care about most.

Abilities: the natural talents you were born with.

Personality Style: your unique combination of personality traits.

Experience: the experiences in life that have molded you.

Why is discovering my SHAPE important in the Christian life?

Each of us has something unique to contribute in ministry. Knowing our SHAPE helps guide us to the right places to invest our time and service. As believers love and serve one another, our message to the world is strong and clear.

How do I know what my SHAPE is?

Taking the SHAPE Assessment will give you an idea of what resonates most with you. Ask your family and friends what they have seen you demonstrate. Find a ministry area that fits your SHAPE and see if you sense God at work. Through this process you will begin the journey of discovering who you are, why you are here, and what you do best!

How will I know when I'm using my SHAPE?

The results of serving with your unique SHAPE are both external and internal. You will be more effective and fruitful in ministry as you use the tools God has given you and you will experience joy and fulfillment as you serve others.

What part do Spiritual Gifts play in my SHAPE?

Spiritual Gifts are special abilities given by God to be used to minister to others. They are a demonstration that God’s Holy Spirit is working in us, enabling us to do things we could not otherwise do.

Where does the Bible talk about Spiritual Gifts?

Though the lists vary, each reference indicates that the New Testament writers considered Spiritual Gifts to be an important part of the Christian life. Biblical references are found in I Corinthians 12, I Peter 4:9-11, Romans 12:1-8, and Ephesians 4:7-13.

How do I acquire a Spiritual Gift?

The Holy Spirit gives Spiritual Gifts to all believers. We cannot earn spiritual gifts, nor can we choose them. Spiritual Gifts are given according to God's unique design and purpose for each of us. Spiritual Gifts are given so that the church has what it needs to spread God's love to the world. They are not given for the benefit of the individual who receives them, they are given for the common good.

What part does Heart play in our SHAPE?

God has given each of us a unique emotional desire and motivation to make a difference in the world. Although God cares about every need, we instinctively care about some things more than others. When we serve in our area of passion we are effective, energized, and our commitment is a joy.

What part do our Abilities play in our SHAPE?

Natural talents are given by God to every person. They are the abilities that help us function in the world. Abilities can be indicators of your giftedness but do not necessarily equate to your Spiritual Gifts. Both are God-given. Our natural talents have many applications; Spiritual Gifts are given to carry out God’s purposes.

What part does our Personality Style play in our SHAPE?

Our Personality Style reflects the natural preferences we have for how we approach life. It helps you decide what kind of environment you are most comfortable serving in. Are you energized by relationships with people or achieving tasks? Are you a planner or spontaneous in how you organize life?

What part do life Experiences play in our SHAPE?

All of us have significant experiences in our lives, both good and bad, that help shape who we are today. God desires to use them all for his good. Our experiences become valuable tools for ministry as we serve others.