Wellness Ministry

Resources and information about emotional, mental, and spiritual health

The focus of Wellness Ministry at SBPC is wellness for everyone. Please utilize this page for resources that are updated on a regular basis. Customized resources can be accessed through Melissa Bolt, see contact info at bottom of the page...


WELLNESS NIGHT (October 9th, 2024)

Save the Date!

We are SO EXCITED to welcome Dr. Chinwé Williams back to SBPC! For this Wellness Night, Will Hutcherson is coming with her! You will not want to miss this! More details to follow.

Fall 2024 “Understanding Your Grief” (September 16, 2024)

10-week Support Group

Begins the week of September 16, 2024 and concludes the week of November 18, 2024. An evening group and a daytime group will be offered on the church campus. More details with the day of the week and the time of day to be announced.

If you or someone you know are interested, please click on button below to register your interest.

If you have any questions regarding wellness opportunities, please contact wellness@solanapres.org.


Wellness Night (January 31, 2024)

It was a great night with about 60 in attendance - students, parents and grandparents. We all learned a lot as Morgan shared her story and answered many questions from the group!


Morgan is the Regional Director for Minding Your Mind California. More information about her and Minding You Mind can be found here https://mindingyourmind.org/our-programs/parent-programs/


If you are experiencing a mental health emergency or crisis please call 988 (the 911 for mental health emergencies). More information and chat/text options can be found by clicking the below button. 

Grace in Real Time Podcast about preteen mental health is produced by a great team here at SBPC - Paula and Jamie Mazza. 

A Mental Health Test. Online screening can be a tool in helping to decide when to seek professional resources. Mental Health America has a variety of screenings through this link.

The US Surgeon General has warned that teenage mental health has reached a crisis stage. Learn more


Wellness Ministry at SBPC from SBPC on Vimeo.

Melissa Bolt MSW is our Director of Wellness and Assistant Director of Children’s & Preteen Ministries. She is available to help you with your wellness needs through:

  • Connecting you with appropriate and tailored resources 
  • Discussing if/which resources could be helpful to your circumstances
  • Praying with you 

She is able to meet via technology or in-person in her office on SBPC Campus. Please reach out with any questions, needs, or requests. All inquiries/conversations will be kept confidential.




Cell (858)314-9616 Call or Text


Note that Melissa is out of the office on Fridays and Saturdays, so emails and calls will be returned starting on Mondays


Wellness will be working in conjunction with all of the programs and resources here at SPBC (see The Care Resource Guide). This program is in addition to what we have always offered.